Support us

Helping us to help others

We can only facilitate Kardia free of charge to young people because of your generous financial support. We've outlined some of the costs associated with the course to give you an idea of what your donations will go towards, but we are so grateful for any amount you're able to give.

Support us

Helping us to help others

We can only facilitate Kardia free of charge to young people because of your generous financial support. We've outlined some of the costs associated with the course to give you an idea of what your donations will go towards, but we are so grateful for any amount you're able to give.


Each young person receives a workbook and a journal to work through as part of the course. This covers the cost of the booklets for one participant.


One young person

A donation of this amount will allow one young person to attend the 8 week Kardia course. It covers all the resources and a trained facilitator so they can get the most of the course.


A full course

Our passion has always been to provide our course free of charge. This is the cost to run a full course for 8 young people with all resources and a trained facilitator.


Other ways you can help

Gift aid: As a registered charity we're eligible to claim Gift Aid. This allows you to boost your donation by 25p for every £1 you donate at no cost to you! If you are a UK taxpayer, register for Gift Aid by clicking the button at the bottom of the form.

Partner with us: Why not consider setting up a recurring donation? Every pound matters, but when you make a regular donation your impact builds up over time to help more young people on a journey to good mental health.